Thursday, June 12, 2008

Bad day

A very bad day!
A habitual gastric person didn't realize herself gastric until it became serious. It made my day become so meaningless as once I'm having gastric, there is nothing I can do except lying on bed. I should realize earlier!!! What I could not believe is that when I felt there's something wrong with my body, I never thought of I'm having gastric. Instead, I thought I was too hungry and ate those sour foods!!! What an abnormal me!!!! So at last, my gastric became more and more serious until I couldn't sit and speak at all!!! Taken 4 tablets and lying on bed for 3 hours also useless!!! Damn!!!

Sometimes I have no idea at all how to clear the misunderstanding. I hate argument, but it happened almost everyday!! I'm tired of it!! It is never easy to be the middleman especially between those people you care the most...

I know I will definitely replay the history! I know it!!!! This makes me hate myself!!! Why should I pull myself into a deep blue sea?? I have made a promise to myself: Never ever do this again! But see what's going on now?? What the hell am I doing??? Silly May!!!!!

Bad day...Bad mood...

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